Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Spa Sets!

I finally had time to make some spa sets with my new cotton. I just love the bright colors! Especially in all this subzero snowy weather :) You can find them over in my Etsy shop..

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Beginning

Well, here I am, taking another giant step of faith and doing something that I said there would never be enough time for. I was inspired to make a blog from a fellow crafter who lists her primitives on etsy. I hope to use this venue to share thoughts, creations, recipes, photos, and other interesting things from my creative adventures. OK. Here goes...

I think I will start off by telling you a little about myself. My name is Shelley, of PrairieCottageRose. I'm a single mama to 2 beautiful daughters and 2 handsome sons. I am a follower of Jesus and try to base every choice in my life off of that fact. I am daily amazed at the love and mercy that my wonderful Savior has given me! I dream of having my own cottage someday, but for now I'm happy making the home God has blessed me with into a warm and inviting space on a single mom's budget. Because I work full time and homeschool, too, I won't always have time to respond to all the comments you leave but I'll try my best!

I love gardening, decorating, cooking, crocheting, knitting, sewing, and painting. I have been crafting, sewing, or painting since I was very young and I'm really happiest when there is a project (or 16) in the works! After venturing into the world of Ebay a few years ago, I began selling my rag quilts, primitives, and folk art pieces there and just recently started an Etsy shop, as well. The photo above is a primitive Valentine gathering just listed last night on Etsy.
I'll be back soon, but until then.....welcome to my life!