Have you noticed I haven’t been blogging much? Well, this pink snow bunny is 1/2 of my excuse…
For a very short season my 2 grandbabies are living in the same city. Right here. In the same city. I KNOW. It’s all so very fun and exciting. There has been quite a lot some dropping of everything to spend a few minutes with them while they are here. And one of those things being dropped is blogging. But I’m still here and I haven’t forgotten you!
Here are some pictures of lil’ miss experiencing her first big snow. You see, she spent her whole life, all 17 months of it in a magical place called North Carolina. Where it doesn’t really snow. And clearly there is no need for layers and layers of winter finery. Which was the way she liked things, thank you.
Because how do people walk with all this stuff on, anyway?
Okay, I’ll try a few steps. But that is all. I mean it.
This is all way too much work. I believe I’ll just sit a spell and…..