Tuesday, July 21, 2009

what do rednecks eat...

So, I'm not sure if this is what rednecks really eat. But we just had to try this recipe. It has tater tots on top!! We kinda like our tots around here.

Redneck Casserole
1 (28 ounce) can baked beans
6-8 hot dogs
4 cups tater tots, approximate
1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded

Set your oven to 450.

Dump your can of baked beans into a casserole dish. You can mix pretty much anything into the beans that makes you happy. Sour cream, ketchup, barbecue sauce, brown sugar, molasses, mustard, hot sauce, etc. Or leave 'em plain. Plain is good. Set the dish aside.

Slice up your hotdogs and throw those into your casserole dish. Mix until dogs are well coated with baked bean sauce.

Sprinkle with cheese. Cover the bean and dog mixture with tater tots. Use as many as you'd like. Just try to cover the mixture completely.

Bake for 1/2 an hour or until tater tots are golden brown.

Redneck Casserole is completely done when the cheese is melted, the tots are golden brown, and you just can't take it anymore -- dig in!

Delicious. We capital l-o-v-e loved it!
Bon appetite my fellow rednecks.
The original recipe is from Recipezaar and was posted to Kitchen Stewardship's October Fest.


  1. Honestly, I think my kids would probably love this. Tatertots, beans, cheese, hot dogs...what's not to love. I am going to have to try this!

  2. I would KILL for some American baked beans and tater tots right about now! Sounds yummy, Shelley! xox

  3. make the cheese velveeta and serve some collard greens on the side! oh... with very sugary ice tea.

  4. OK, I am from Alabama and YEAH!!!! That's what rednecks eat! Cheryl is spot on with the side dishes and Sweet Tea! Yep! Yum! Yep!

  5. ah yes...rednecks delight. Anything with tots on it is good for me. :)

  6. will definately have to try this one! the kiddos around here will l-o-v-e love it too, i'm sure! :)

  7. So it really is what rednecks eat! I guess it must be cowboy food, too, since we live in the "cowboy state" Although there really aren't very many cowboys here...

    Got the greens and velveeta covered, but sweet tea, huh? Will have to research how to make it! No such thing here.

  8. Sounds good to me! We definitely love all these ingredients...we might as well put them all together.

  9. Really...No sweet tea?? How on earth do you survive???? HA! That's a STAPLE in the south! Just steep 4 tea bags in boiling water, then pour into gallon pitcher. Add 1 1/2 cups sugar, stirring to dissolve. Then fill pitcher with water, and stir very well. It HAS to be served chilled, and with LOTS of ice!!!

  10. My hubby will love it!! He is Beany weenies Connoisseur. Seriously! I think rednecks do eat this!! I will make this for my redneck. LOL! Thanks for joining TMTT this week.

  11. sounds great and so easy will try this for sure

  12. I wonder if there is a way to upgrade the nutrition by using some sort of potato other than tater tots (although those are a tasty indulgence when you're feeling like "cheating"!)?

    Thank you for joining the first October Fest Carnival of Super Foods! This week’s theme is broth/stock. Hope to see you back!


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