Friday, January 21, 2011

A month of snowmen

Seems like time is slipping by as quickly as it did in December.  Before January slips completely away and I decorate for Valentine’s Day, I wanted to be sure to share my Winter Decorating with you.

Our wintry weather is only beginning in January and I like to devote the month to snow and snowmen. 

I left the Christmas garland over my red hutch.  I like the twinkle of the white lights at night. Then added some snowflakes, snowmen and icicles: 
January2011 030

The rag snowman garland hangs from the peg shelf.   Dec1 011

Red homespun stars and a snowman sit in a paper mache light box in this little nook.  Again - love happy white lights in the winter evenings :) 
January2011 063

All the glassware in this centerpiece is from either a thrift store or the Dollar Tree and glued together with E6000.  
 January2011 068

I made the snowballs by smearing joint compound onto styrofoam balls.  When they dry, paint them white and sprinkle with glitter while the paint is still damp. 
January2011 069

And finally – just in case you don’t know what snowflakes are made of :)   January2011 062

How do you decorate for winter?


Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up         party!UndertheTableandDreamingMaking


  1. Visiting via the Weekend Wrap Up, I absolutely love all of your snowman, those balls in the hurricane vases are amazing! and I love your wood blocks.

  2. I love it all! I think that we tend to forget about winter stuff once Christmas passes. Happy to be a new follower. Please consider linking up to my blog bash K.I.S.S.=Keep It Simple Sunday, link is open til Tues. evening.

  3. Was just browsing and saw your little snowman. Loving your winter decorations, the snowballs are a nice touch.

  4. Thanks for linking up at my blog bash K.I.S.S=Keep It Simple Sunday, I appreciate your creativity.

  5. Those snowmen really are fitting this year, aren't they? All your snowmen are cute, but my favorite are the stars in the basket.


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