Friday, June 3, 2011

Clay Pot Wreath

Remember my clay pot wreath from last year?

Sill LOVE it, but. . . 

THIS happened to some of the pots and they needed to be replaced: 


I thought I’d show you how the pots are attached.   The method is the same, whether you’re making a brand new wreath or adding one pot :)

Start with a grapevine wreath, wire and needle nose pliers.  Collect your pots… you can purchase new, but I love the character of thrift and garage sale pots.

Cut about a 10-12 inch piece of wire using your pliers.  Slip it under a few vines, leaving an equal amount of wire on each side: 


Decide which direction you want to the pot to face.  In this case, if you use the wire on the left as the top, the pot will face to the right.  But I wanted it to face the camera, so I used the portion on the right as the top wire. 

Thread your top wire through the bottom of the pot:


Twist the ends together like a twist tie.  Then use the needle nose pliers to roll the ends into a little coil: 



All better…  



The weight of the pots makes this wreath VERY heavy.  Take care to hang it securely and enjoy!



Let me know if you make a clay pot wreath. . . I’d love to see it!!


  1. I have to admit that is pretty original. Very cool. Thanks for showing us how.


  2. This is so very cool! It looks fantastic!

  3. Shelley, your wreath is fabulous! I love it and really want one for the side of our garage...super cute! Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase Party. I am a little behind commenting - but I have featured this last week. Hope you are having a wonderful week ~ Stephanie Lynn

  4. Shelley, I love your wreath. I would love to make one of these. What size is your wreath? Are those pots about 4"?

    Sweet, sweet idea!!!

  5. This is awesome!! What a unique idea for a wreath... you are so creative! :)


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