Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Freezing cookie dough

If you're looking ahead to Christmas and wondering how you're going to get all of your baking done, consider preparing and freezing your cookie dough now.  Before the busyness begins in earnest. 
2962160899_b72bb0e007Snickerdoodle dough balls
You can have a large assortment of cookie dough ready and waiting at your fingertips.  As Christmas inches closer there will be more time for family or last minute gifts instead of spending all your time in the kitchen.
5347734710_7ec44d3a44Ziploc bag of chocolate chip dough balls
untitled molassesMolasses Crinkles
No real recipe for you today… just the steps to freezing your family favorites ahead of time  :) 
Freezing Cookie Dough
1.  Make the dough from any drop cookie recipe.  Just stay away from cookies that are made with an egg white dough (like meringue) or a more liquid batter (like macarons or brownies).  
2.  On a baking sheet, place heaping spoonfuls of your dough.  If the recipe requires the dough balls be rolled in a sugar mixture, do this before putting them on the sheet.  Continue plopping dough balls until the entire sheet is full. 
3.  Put baking sheet in the freezer for a couple of hours or overnight. 
4.  Remove from freezer and place in airtight containers or freezer bags.  Return to freezer. 
When Ready to Bake: 
Remove desired amount of cookie dough balls from the freezer.  Place on a cookie sheet and bake per your recipe instructions.  No need to thaw first, but you may need to add a minute or two to your baking time. 
Happy Freezing!


  1. What a great idea! I've never frozen cookie dough before, but it's so easy I don't know why I haven't. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. I have never done this before. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

    Sew Rugged @ bear rabbit bear

  3. Great idea! I posted yesterday about freezing Christmas baking too! :) Great minds...

    ~Steph @ Silver Boxes

  4. This is an excellent idea! I do need to start thinking about what I can do ahead of time.

  5. awesome idea! I featured you on my facebook page. I am doing a homemade in December blog bash on my blog. I'd love for you to share this idea and maybe some of your favorite Christmas recipes. Want to join in the fun and be a guest on Blissful and domestic?


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