Okay, here’s the thing.
I may be the LAST person in the whole entire world to be crafting without a fan-cee vinyl cutting device.
Oh, ok. Not REALLY, but it seems like it sometimes.
So if you’re like me, here’s how we made our upcycled luminaries sans vinyl cutter:
Glass jars – canning, pickle and whathaveyou
Blue painters tape
Self healing rotary mat
Utility knife
Spray paint
Overlap blue painters tape on a self healing mat:
If you don’t have a cutting mat, then use your kitchen cutting board.
Draw your fabulous designs on the painters tape and carefully cut out with a utility knife:
Place on clean glass jars, being careful to seal the edges VERY well. In a well ventilated, preferably outdoor location, lightly, but completely cover the jar with spray paint.
Be careful not to spray INSIDE the jar. It will wreck your magnificent design.
Allow the paint to dry enough that you can touch the jars without sticking and then carefully remove the tape.
Allow to dry completely before use. Since they are glass, it would be safe to use a real candle.
Which would never work here because of the EVERPRESENTWIND.
So we used battery operated tea lights.
(Purchased for frugal dollars, thrifty cents at the Dollar Tree).