It seems that
I have completely misplaced my voice.
Feeling pretty crummy.
Just resting and crocheting a little.
I did manage to make Skyleigh a new hat.
And took some pictures to show you.
Linking to:

It seems that
I have completely misplaced my voice.
Feeling pretty crummy.
Just resting and crocheting a little.
I did manage to make Skyleigh a new hat.
And took some pictures to show you.
Linking to:
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
Have you heard of this sweet and gentle young prodigy from Idaho?
Take a peak at her amazing talent:
Wow, right?
Just finished crocheting a new beanie…
This little Thanksgiving turkey has been in my head for awhile and I finally got him finished.
You can find him at puddintoes.
Linking to:
Better Homes and Gardens offers this quiz to help you decide what color to paint your walls, based on your answers to eight questions.
Hmm. Apparently my color personality is YELLOW.
And strangely, it came out yellow all 3 times I took it…
(I couldn’t decide if my favorite season was spring, summer, or autumn).
(Because I am NOTHING, if not decisive).
Sooo... What color is your personality?!