Have you seen THIS wreath?!?
Go ahead and look. I’ll wait.
Do you big puffy heart it as much as I do? Cuz I do!
One problem, though. I kinda have enough spring wreaths already.
And nothing against the bunny and his friends, the eggs and baskets, (of which I have a large collection). But I wanted to emphasize the REASON we celebrate Easter. Really, without the cross and the resurrection, Jesus’ birth would have been just another “baby story”. . . and long forgotten by now.
Off I went to find a Styrofoam cross at Hobby Lobby or Michaels, only to discover they have none. Zero. So I did what any self-respecting crafter would do: attacked the nearest unsuspecting box and made the cross from cardboard instead! Here’s how I did it:
Cut a cross shape from the cardboard and use it to trace another. Cut it out too and then glue together:

Don’t worry if the edges aren’t perfect – they will be covered in the end. Then I used a variegated yarn from the stash and started wrapping. It doesn’t matter too much what color this yarn is. It doesn’t show in the finished project:

First crosswise and then lengthwise. You could probably skip this step, but it adds a little more dimension to the finished cross. Then start wrapping your “hairy” yarn (be sure to use your 40% coupon. Stuff’s expensive!).
Keep wrapping . . .
And wrapping . . .
When everything is covered to your satisfaction, it’s time to embellish the center. Personalize this to your own taste/decor. I almost made one of the little nests with tiny eggs that are so popular this year, but decided to go with rolled flowers instead. There are a TON of really great tutorials out there for these – I didn’t take photos of this part.
Rev up the glue gun and glue your flowers in place.
For hanging, I used a scrap of fabric and a metal ring/washer thingy that was in the tool box. Just hot glue it on the back.

And that’s it!

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and
perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before
him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and
sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2