on the LORD and he will SUSTAIN
YOU; he will NEVER let the RIGHTEOUS fall. Psalm 55:22

Have you noticed there are two definite preferences, when it comes to playground play?
You see.
There are swingers
and there are climbers.
Skyleigh Claire likes to swing.
DO NOT attempt to remove her from the swing.
Such efforts will be met with MUCH weeping,
wailing and
gnashing of teeth.
(She’s serious about her swinging).
Which one is your favorite?
Some photos of Lacey pitching this summer.
You’ll have to imagine it at 60 miles an hour.
In other words. This is super slow-mo.
Batter’s view:Strike 3. Batter’s OUT O
Spring and summer flew by this year. Busyness from dawn to dusk - there was little time for blogging and visiting all of you!
Reason for perpetual motion #1: Matthew played on a traveling baseball team this year b
And by travel, I mean their league is actually in ANOTHER STATE!
From March through July, we were privileged to drive back and forth to Colorado and/or Nebraska. At least 2 and sometimes 4 days a week.
He loved every minute and gained lots of experience.
But it SERIOUSLY stretched my time management skills!
Such as they are.
Plus. Until early June, game day temps were in the low 40’s. Minus a few thousand degrees of wind chill.
By July, my fingers had finally thawed and I took a few pictures:
The much feared lefty slurve pitch
Pitching at Highlands Ranch. Strike 3. Again.
Swimming between tournaments
Playing first base in front of the beautiful Rockies!
Looking forward to next season!
(Remind me of that in March, K)?
FaLL BLeSSinGs FRieNds!